Festive Concert in Honor of Saint Teresa of Ávila

2015. április 18. 17.00-19.00

Solti terem

Festive Concert in Honor of Saint Teresa of Ávila A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Esz-dúr szerenád nyolc fúvós hangszerre (K.375)


Kodály Zoltán
Sík Sándor Te Deuma

Lisznyay Szabó Gábor
Ó, terjeszd ki, Jézusom

Lisznyay Szabó Gábor
Jézus, te égi szép

Lisznyay Szabó Gábor
Puer Natus

-;-Eredics Zsófia, Balla Roxána (oboa); Lenner Barnabás, Tóth Máté (klarinét); Bolykó István, Révész Márk (kürt); Lorx Laura, Simonics Viktória (fagott)

Felkészítő tanár: Varga István

Budapesti Vándor Kórus

Vezényel: Németh Zsuzsanna
On the 500th anniversary of the birth of St. Teresa of Ávila, a concert of works composed in honor of the Spanish mystic of the Carmelite order will be organized at the Liszt Academy and the nearby Church of Saint Therese. First the students of the Woodwind and Brass Department of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music will perform Mozart’s Serenade for Winds in E-flat major composed in honor of St. Teresa of Ávila in the Solti Hall. In the second part of the concert, the audience can enjoy Zoltán Kodály’s Te Deum of Sándor Sík, as well as the choral works dedicated to Saint Teresa by organist-composer Gábor Lisznyai Szabó – who was the cantor of the Church of Saint Therese between 1942 and 1956, and organ teacher at the Liszt Academy from 1947 to 1969 – which will be staged by the multiple award winning Budapest Vándor Choir, founded in 1936 by conductor Sándor Vándor, performing under the baton of Zsuzsanna Németh. Following the concert, from 7.30 PM the parish church bearing the name of the Carmelite nun, located next to the Liszt Academy, hosts a vesper from the period of St. Teresa performed by the Capella Theresiana Choir featuring the teachers of Liszt Academy’s Church Music Department.


1 500 Ft