Finghin Collins and the Budapest Festival Orchestra

2014. március 28. 19.45-22.00

Finghin Collins and the Budapest Festival Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

1. (D-dúr) szimfónia

c-moll zongoraverseny (K. 491)

12 német tánc (WoO 8)

B-dúr szimfónia (K. 319)

-;-Közreműködik: Finghin Collins (zongora)

Vezényel: Takács-Nagy Gábor
The Budapest Festival Orchestra are bringing to Budapest many legendary instrumental soloists for the ensemble’s jubilee, 30th concert season, although there is still room for talented young musicians who have yet to make their name on the world stage. One such musician is the Irish pianist Finghin Collins, who on the evenings prior to his 37th birthday will be performing Mozart’s Piano Concerto in C minor composed in the winter of 1785-86, in the company of the Festival Orchestra and guest conductor Gábor Takács-Nagy. The programme includes symphonies by a youthful Haydn and Mozart, as well as the German Dances series, perhaps the most popular of ‘light music’ pieces from Beethoven, and similarly to the Mozart piano work, from the imperial capital and dated 1785.


HUF 10.000, 6.000, 4.200, 3.400