Franciscan Charity Evening for People with Autism

2014. január 10. 20.00-22.00

Franciscan Charity Evening for People with Autism A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Ági Szalóki – Karády Recital

-;-Szalóki Ági (ének); Szakcsi Lakatos Róbert (zongora); Juhász Gábor (gitár); Bacsó Kristóf (szaxofon); Shreck Ferenc (harsona); Cseh Balázs (dob), Kovács Zoltán (nagybőgő)
“I like these declarations of love; they are simple, brave, honest and relevant even today. I find in them the kind of wise and pleasingly ironic thoughts that lie very close to my own heart. In the person of Karády we hear the song of a woman who has lived through much. I try to identify with this. I attempt to send a message from the stage that every woman is capable of being a diva, of being a real queen, just like Karády.” These are the words of Ági Szalóki on her highly successful Karády recording, released in 2008. Besides Karády’s popular songs, other hits of the 1940s and 50s are performed on the stage of the Grand Hall of the Liszt Academy. Instrumentalisation is by Gábor Juhász and Kristóf Bacsó, and features a selection of the best jazz musicians in the country, who come together for this charity concert organized by the Franciscan Order.


HUF 6.900, 5.600, 3.200