Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra

2014. január 30. 19.30-22.00

Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Stabat Mater


Esz-dúr szeptett, op. 20

-;-Közreműködik: Csereklyei Andrea (szoprán), Megyesi Schwartz Lúcia (alt)

Művészeti vezető: Rolla János
“Right back in the early days we were final year students at the Liszt Academy and we got together to play music under the leadership of our professor Frigyes Sándor,” says János Rolla, reminiscing about the formation of the Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra, who mark their 50th anniversary in 2013. Now they return to their alma mater with one of the most popular vocal works of church music, Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater, and Beethoven’s 1799 Septet. Rousseau described the opening bars of the Pergolesi work to be “the most perfect and most touching to have come from the pen of any musician.” Singers Andrea Csereklyei and Lúcia Megyesi Schwartz begin this work of twelve movements. Beethoven wrote thus about his six-movement composition dedicated to the (second) consort of Emperor Francis: “… for I cannot write anything that is not obligato, having come into the world with obligato accompaniment.”


HUF 8.000, 6.500, 5.000, 3.500