Gábor Farkas and the Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra

2016. április 10. 15.00-17.00

Budapest Spring Festival

Gábor Farkas and the Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

In the Footsteps of Liszt • 3.2


I. elfelejtett keringő

Valse Impromptu

Villa d'Este szökőkútjai

Velence és Nápoly (Gondoliera, Canzonetta, Tarantella)

XII. Magyar rapszódia


Esz-dúr zongoraverseny

A-dúr zongoraverseny

-;-Farkas Gábor (zongora)

Magyar Rádió Szimfonikus Zenekara

Vezényel: Medveczky Ádám
In 2015 Gábor Farkas was the winner of the Worldwide Audition of the prestigious New York Concert Artists & Associates. The prize allows him to perform in the Carnegie Hall during the 2015/2016 concert season. Formerly he had won, among other awards, the 1st Prize of the Liszt Piano Competition in Weimar, and came in first at the Béla Bartók Piano Competition in Austria. His album, An Evening with Liszt earned the Prix du Disque of the Ferenc Liszt Society. “For me,” said Farkas in an interview, “Liszt is the pinnacle of the literature of the piano. It allows you to come into your own, and helps you to learn all there is a pianist needs to know. Technically, and especially emotionally, he is a high point that very few composers can provide. The road which he travelled and which we can also cover thanks to his works, is, for me, an example to be followed.”


HUF 1 500, 1 900, 2 200