Góbé Band 10

2017. szeptember 26. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Acoustic, Authentic

Góbé Band 10 A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Góbé Zenekar: Kiss B. Ádám (hegedű, brácsa); Vizeli Máté (hegedű, brácsák, gitár, koboz); Egervári Mátyás (cimbalom, dudák, furulyák, tambura, ütősök); Csasznyi Imre (tambura, brácsa); Timár Márton (nagybőgő), Czupi Áron (ütőhangszerek)
Góbé Band celebrate the 10th anniversary of their formation this autumn. The members met while in secondary school and went on to establish their own ensemble, which almost immediately landed them in the underground folk music scene in Budapest. Later, all of them pursued classical and folk music studies at the Liszt Academy, meaning that they are equally at home in the world of authentic folk songs and Bartók arrangements. In the past decade they appeared at numerous venues from dance houses, through Szimpla Garden to the concert hall of Müpa Budapest, not to mention their enthusiastic presentations at folk music and pop festivals. So far they have released two albums featuring traditional folk music alongside their own particular solutions. Their goal is to bring folk music back into fashion by going beyond style and category pigeonholes. Perhaps band member Ádám Kiss-B. best summed up the essence of Góbé Band recently: “This is the sort of music we most wanted to hear. And because such music didn’t exist, we made it ourselves.”


HUF 1 900, 2 500