Händel in Triplicate

2015. március 7. 19.00-21.00

Voice so close

Händel in Triplicate A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Concert and Conversation

Brockes-passió (részletek)

L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato (részletek) Theodora (részletek)

-;-A Zeneakadémia Szimfonikus Zenekara és Kórusa

Vezényel és a műveket bemutatja: Vashegyi György
György Vashegyi, one of the foremost figures in early music in Hungary, revives the tradition of Gesprächskonzert (conversation concert) that is so popular in German-speaking areas, when he initiates the general public into the work he is conducting with students of the Liszt Academy during the academic year 2014–2015. The name of Vashegyi is associated with the premieres in Hungary of several Händel oratorios; there are few others in the country who know the works of the Halle master better, so young musicians received a unique opportunity when they work on three key Händel oratorios over several months. The concert covers excerpts from the relatively early Brockes Passion, and the L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato (1740), based on the poetry of Milton, as well as the markedly operatic Theodora, presented from 1750. Once more, we are also able to learn a huge amount about these works from an expert.


Free tickets can be requested from the Liszt Academy box office.