Hungarian National Philharmonic

2014. október 15. 19.30-22.00

Hungarian National Philharmonic A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

In memoriam Fischer Annie

95. (c-moll) szimfónia

c-moll zongoraverseny (K. 491)


Requiem (K. 626)

-;-Fodor Beatrix (szoprán); Meláth Andrea (alt); Brickner Szabolcs (tenor); Rácz István (basszus)

Ránki Dezső (zongora)

Nemzeti Énekkar (karigazgató: Antal Mátyás)

Nemzeti Filharmonikusok

Vezényel: Kocsis Zoltán
“I approach her with the greatest respect as a one-time idol of mine, because her concerts were a childhood experience that I remember to this day.” So said Zoltán Kocsis, speaking about Annie Fischer. And now Kocsis pays tribute to the legendary pianist born 100 years ago together with members of the Hungarian National Philharmonic. The concert commemorates Annie Fischer, who was so often the partner of the State Concert Orchestra (the Hungarian National Philharmonic’s predecessor) in performances, appropriately enough, of Mozart piano works. The dramatic concerto in C minor is performed by Dezső Ránki, who of all Hungary’s pianists perhaps most clearly espouses Annie Fischer’s ideals. It is performed after Haydn’s London Symphony in the same key and before Mozart’s Requiem.


HUF 3 000, 4 500, 6 000