In Memoriam Mihály Bächer

2014. november 20. 19.00-21.30

Solti terem

In Memoriam Mihály Bächer A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Válogatás Bächer Mihály legkedvesebb darabjaiból Beethoventől Lisztig

-;-Keveházi Gyöngyi, Kancsár Vera, Lőte Enikő, Luiz de Moura Castro, Dráfi Kálmán, Falvai Sándor, Gulyás István, Bolba Tamás (zongora)
Mihály Bächer (1924–1993), born 90 years ago, ranks among the great pianists of the 20th century. He studied under the Dohnányi-student György Faragó at the national music school, and after the premature death of his master he continued studying under Béla Böszörményi-Nagy at the Liszt Academy. He was presented with the Liszt Prize for his recording of Liszt’s Dance of Death at the age of 28, and in 1956 he won second prize at the International Liszt-Bartók Piano Competition (Lev Vlassenko took first prize, Lazar Berman third). He gave many recitals and made numerous recordings with his regular chamber partner Dénes Kovács, and from 1962 until his death he taught at the Liszt Academy, launching brilliant pianists of several generations on their career. On the anniversary of his birth it is now their turn to pay tribute to Mihály Bächer, under the leadership of guardian of Bächer’s legacy, Kálmán Dráfi, head of the Keyboard Department.


HUF 1 900