Ingrid Kertesi, Katalin Halmai & Emese Virág

2016. április 28. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Voice, So Close

Ingrid Kertesi, Katalin Halmai & Emese Virág A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Master and Student of Bel Canto


Lu trademiento

Il rimprovero, L’orgia

Ad una stella, Stornello, Il tramonto, In solitaria stanza

La zingara, Lo spazzacamino

Amor voce del cielo


Il giuramento

Storiella d’amore, Sole de amore, Avanti Urania!, Terra e mare, Canto d’anime

Almen se non poss’io, Vanne, o rosa fortunata

La promessa, Aragonese

Il bacio

Il bevitori

-;-Kertesi Ingrid, Ács Gabriella (szoprán)

Virág Emese (zongora)

Kertesi Ingrid

Ács Gabriella

Kertesi Ingrid

Kertesi Ingrid, Ács Gabriella

Kertesi Ingrid, Ács Gabriella

Ács Gabriella

Kertesi Ingrid

Kertesi Ingrid, Ács Gabriella
Ideal tonal formation, brilliant embellishments, agile and perfectly balanced vocals – the culture of bel canto is one of the most attractive trends in the history of opera, the popularity and premium of which is once again on the rise. Together with central arias and duets by Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti and the youthful titan following in their footsteps, Giuseppe Verdi, this concert also features compositions by Puccini, the person who renewed and crowned the Italian operatic tradition, as well as the little known 19th century artist Luigi Arditi. “I have always tried to make my voice sound as an instrument,” says Ingrid Kertesi, who after collecting numerous prizes was awarded the title Artist of Merit in 2015. This exceptional soprano has taught for many years and this concert sees her take to the stage with one of her students, Katalin Halmai, in the company of the attentive Hungarian piano accompanist Emese Virág. “Whenever I sing I am extremely happy. I would like to show you this happiness.” So runs the creed of Ingrid Kertesi which she shares with her talented students just as she has shared the refinement of her bel canto style.


HUF 2 500, 3 200