Ivett Gyöngyösi

2014. február 14. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

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Ivett Gyöngyösi A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Barkarola, op. 60

h-moll szonáta, op. 58


Rómeó és Júlia szvit, op. 75 (részletek)

La Leggierezza

Spanyol rapszódia

-;-Gyöngyösi Ivett (zongora)
The new series of the Liszt Academy Concert Centre – conceived with the aim of establishing a tradition – offers the opportunity every semester for individual students or ensembles of the Liszt Academy to introduce themselves. On this, the first such recital, we can hear Ivett Gyöngyösi, who despite her youth has won numerous competitions and is holder of the Junior Prima prize. A former student of Attila Némethy, she is currently studying in the class of Kálmán Dráfi. Her role model is Annie Fischer: the intensity of her piano playing and the power of her personality predestine her to follow in the footsteps of perhaps the most significant Hungarian female pianist of the 20th century. This solo recital gives her the opportunity to demonstrate both her extreme musicality and her remarkable virtuosity.


HUF 1.200