Jakob Bro Trio

2017. április 27. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Jazz It!

Jakob Bro Trio A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Jakob Bro Trio: Jakob Bro (gitár); Joey Baron (dob); Thomas Morgan (bőgő)
Scandinavian refinement, ethereal guitar tones, emotions constantly held in an imminent state of explosion, a sense of the infinite. These are just a few phrases to describe the guitar playing of this brilliant Danish musician. Born in 1978, Jakob Bro currently has 12 albums to his name (the latest – Streams – was released in 2016 by leading jazz label ECM) and he has worked on dozens of other recordings including with Paul Motian and Thomas Stanko. He has toured on all continents and there is simply not room to list all his prizes and awards. In 2013 he founded his trio, bringing on board one of the most sought-after bassists on the New York jazz scene Thomas Morgan, plus the avant-garde drummer Joey Baron who frequently plays alongside Bill Frisell and John Zorn.


HUF 2 500, 3 200