Jenő Jandó and MÁV Symphony Orchestra

2014. február 14. 19.00-22.00

Jenő Jandó and MÁV Symphony Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Hunyadi László – Nyitány

Esz-dúr zongoraverseny

A fából faragott királyfi

-;-Közreműködik: Jandó Jenő (zongora)

Vezényel: Takács-Nagy Gábor
‘The history of Hungarian music in a nutshell.’ This could also be the title of the thought-provoking concert by MÁV Symphony Orchestra. In 1932 Aladár Tóth wrote in the journal Nyugat that The Wooden Prince was “the first music with which Hungary occupies a place in the front row of great music nations of the 20th century”. As to the question, when did we request admission to the elite club of music, the answer is relatively straightforward: in the mid 19th century with Erkel’s Hunyadi. An enterprising company took the piece, presented in Hungary in 1844, and stormed Vienna in 1856, only to be repulsed. In fact it is a marvel that barely a lifetime later things were so much easier for Bartók’s generation. Berlin was just as receptive to the art of this generation as London or Vienna. However, this marvel would have been inconceivable without the powerful aura of Ferenc Liszt.


HUF 4.000, 3.500, 3.000