Jenő Jandó Piano Recital

2014. március 12. 19.30-22.00

Jenő Jandó Piano Recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

MVM concerts – The Piano

32 variáció egy saját témára (WoO 80)

Négy ballada, op. 10

c-moll szonáta (D. 958)

-;-Jandó Jenő (zongora)
Overwhelmed after one of Jenő Jandó’s masterclasses, and evoking the fervent and adulatory tone of German novels of yore, one person wrote thus: “the typically Brahmsian, compact and dense texture, the dark depths of tonality of ballads, was revived by him in a heartfelt, most poetic manner. He was fascinated by the grandiose and clear formation of the first movement of the Schubert sonata. The listener was immediately captivated by the swift rhythm of the fourth movement, in order to tear along – without drawing breath – through the romantic world of the tonal-harmonic labyrinth.” We can expect a stirring experience, especially if all this is accompanied by the timbre “recalling the dark gloss of ebony, substantial and resonant, but never hard” and with such “pianistic omniscience in which there is virtually no trace of superficial glitter.”


HUF 6.000, 5.000, 4.000, 3.500, 3.000