Jordi Savall & Concerto Copenhagen

2016. november 25. 19.30-22.00

Pure Baroque

Jordi Savall & Concerto Copenhagen A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

‘Earth, Wind & Fire’ 1674–1764

A vihar - szvit

Esz-dúr ('La Tempesta di Mare') hegedűverseny, op. 8/5

C-dúr („Hamburgi apály és dagály') nyitány


Az elemek – szvit

Orages, tonnerres et tremblements de terre - szvit (Jordi Savall összeállítása)

-;-Concerto Copenhagen

Vezényel: Jordi Savall
Jordi Savall, one of the most influential and tireless figures in authentic early music performance, has put together an exciting programme for this recital. As soloist and ‘Columbus’ of the viola da gamba, Savall discovered and mapped out the instrument’s canon; later as conductor the now 75-year-old maestro presented in his concerts unknown gems of music, together with new facets of known gems dating back several hundred years. On this occasion he conducts one of Scandinavia’s most dynamically developing chamber orchestras, founded exactly 25 years ago and who play on period instruments, works by British, Italian, French and German Baroque composers inspired by the elements. The opera by Matthew Locke, which debuted in 1674, is based on Shakespeare’s The Tempest; the suite performed at this concert contains some of the finest extracts from this work. Two other popular works, the Vivaldi concerto, which describes with near film-like vividness a storm at sea, and Rebel’s suite rich in astonishing sounds (Rebel served as court musician for the Sun King), are joined by a relatively unknown piece of aquatic music: Telemann composed his 10-movement work featuring mythological beasts for the centenary of the establishment of the Hamburg navy. A compilation of storm and earthquake scenes from operas by Jean-Philippe Rameau, one of the finest examples of the boundless creativity and daringness of the Catalan artist and the music history research team assisting him, closes what promises to be one of the most significant Liszt Academy concerts of the season.


4 800, 6 500, 9 200, 11 900 Ft