József Balog Piano Recital

2018. március 7. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Black and White Colours

József Balog Piano Recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Egy levélféle magamról (Des écrits d’un musicien)

Hat zongoradarab, op. 14 – Scherzo

Eötvös Péter
Erdenklavier-Himmelklavier Nr. 2. („In memoriam Luciano Berio”)

Tíz bagatell (részletek)

Vajda Gergely

Kurtág György
Játékok (részletek)

Sári József
Pillanatképek (részletek)

Bánkövi Gyula
Corale – in memoriam Luciano Berio

Jeney Zoltán


Vidovszky László
Schroeder halála

“If there is somebody for whom Black and White Colours, the title of the Liszt Academy concert series comprising piano solo recitals, was made, then it is certainly József Balog. His art is truly, in the best possible sense, polychromatic, or to put it even more accurately: it is characterized by a wealth of colour and nuance, moreover, fractal like, at the most varied levels from articulation of each and every note to the selection of the repertoire.” This is one critic’s opinion after the pianist’s solo evening in November 2016; this time, we are to enjoy a remarkable programme compiled from the 20th century and contemporary Hungarian repertoire. József Balog, a person Zoltán Kocsis looked on as one of the most talented pianists of his generation, is immensely modest in his efforts at having audiences discover and understand the mutual interactions between contemporary music and styles of earlier ages. His February solo recital brings us works by László Lajtha, Péter Eötvös, Pál Kadosa, Gergely Vajda, Kurtág György, József Sári and Gyula Bánkövi as well as – together with three fellow musicians – one of the most iconic creations of 20th century Hungarian music, László Vidovszky’s composition Schroeder’s Death.


HUF 2 200, 2 900