Jubilee Symphony Orchestra of Szent István Király High School

2013. november 3. 11.00-13.00

Jubilee Symphony Orchestra of Szent István Király High School A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Fidelio - Ouverture

Piano Concerto in D minor (K. 466)


On the Tomb of Martyres

Te Deum of Buda Castle

-;-Featuring: Monika Szabadfi (piano); Veronika Geszthy, Jutta Bokor, Tamás Daróczi, István Berczelly (ének)

St. Anthony Choir, Pasarét (Artistic Director: András Déri); ProFun Mixed Choir (Artistic Director: Katalin Énekes); Vasas Ensemble Vass Lajos Choir (Artistic Director: Judit Fügedi-Bárd), Vass Lajos Chamber Choir (Artistic Director: Csaba Somos)

Gergely Ménesi (conductor)
When in 1994 the ‘István Orchestra’, founded by the legendary József Záborszky, celebrated the 40th anniversary of their formation, it was decided to establish the Jubilee Symphony Orchestra of Szent István Király High School made up of old members of the ensemble. The orchestra harks back to the golden age of civil musical culture inasmuch as every single member of the ensemble has a ‘day job’ and their music making is a leisure-time pursuit. Their concerts are always hallmarked by exceptional enthusiasm, thanks not only to their ‘István’ heritage but also to Gergely Ménesi, conductor of the Jubilee Symphony Orchestra, who has been an active participant in Hungarian music circles for years. The first part of the evening is dedicated to an epoch-making piece by Beethoven, the overture to Fidelio, as well as Mozart’s intensely dramatic Piano Concerto in D minor, which in fact had a great influence on Beethoven, followed after the break by two Kodály works.


HUF 3.500, 2.900, 2.500, 2.000