Judit Rajk & Budapest Strings

2017. október 18. 19.30-22.00

Kodály 2017

Judit Rajk & Budapest Strings A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Reshaped Traditions

114. genfi zsoltár

G-dúr szvit orgonára és vonósokra

Mónár Anna

Négy népdal a Magyar Népzene sorozatból – Egy kicsi madárka; Házasodik a tücsök; Zöld erdőben; Dudanóta


Trittico Botticelliano – 1. La Primavera (Tavasz)

Ádventi ének

Trittico Botticelliano – 2. L’Adorazione dei Magi (A bölcsek imádása); 3. La nascita di Venere (Vénusz születése)

Kádár Kata

Két dal a Székelyfonó című daljátékból – Szomorú fűzfának; Rossz feleség

-;-Rajk Judit (alt)

Pétery Dóra (orgona)

Budapesti Vonósok

A Zeneakadémia Egyházzene Tanszékének Kórusa

Vezényel: Alessandro Cedrone
An eclectic selection of vocal works by Zoltán Kodály who was born 135 years ago and died 50 years ago are excitingly juxtaposed. Works by one of Kodály’s most famous contemporaries, the Italian Ottorino Respighi, are also in the programme: both composers were particularly influenced by the style of Debussy, they were friends and the Italian was made an honorary professor of the Liszt Academy. Double Artisjus Prize winner Judit Rajk is a hugely competent and dedicated performer of 20th century and contemporary vocal literature; she is a teacher at the Church Music Department of the Liszt Academy and professor of the International Kodály Institute in Kecskemét. Dóra Pétery is a multifaceted artist of keyboard instruments with an extraordinarily broad repertoire and vision. She, too, teaches at the Church Music Department, and she perfected her skills in Finland, in the class of Miklós Spányi. The conductor Alessandro Cedrone is the General Music Director of the State Opera House in Ankara and works as guest conductor with distinguished symphony orchestras and international opera festivals. He also leads his own orchestra and choir in his home city, in Sora (Italy), and over the past few years he has increasingly added works by Hungarian composers to his repertoire. Budapest Strings led by Kossuth Prize cellist Károly Botvay are joined by the Choir of the Church Music Department of the Liszt Academy in performing this beautiful compilation of works.


HUF 1 100, 1 500, 2 200, 2 900, 3 600