Júlia Karosi’s Gershwin recital

2016. november 25. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Jazz It!

Júlia Karosi’s Gershwin recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

'Bidin' my time'

Gerschwin dalok

-;-Karosi Júlia Quartet: Karosi Júlia (ének); Tálas Áron (zongora); Bögöthy Ádám (nagybőgő); Varga Bendegúz (dob)

RTQ vonósnégyes: Bujtor Balázs, Kovács Erika (hegedű); Hundt Boglárka (brácsa); Gál Béla (cselló)

hangszerelés: Fenyvesi Márton
“It has been a long road to a career as a jazz singer.” said Júlia Karosi on the occasion of the release of her first album. With a degree in aesthetics and philosophy, she later graduated from the Liszt Academy’s jazz singing department. She published her first album, Stroller of the Streets, in 2012, which contained exclusively her own numbers, and the uniquely vocalized material generated extremely positive reviews. At the end of the same year, Whereabouts Records released the work in Japan, in the company of a single with four tracks containing adaptations; however, Karosi’s fame went beyond the Far East and on to many other places around the world. Her second record, Hidden Roots, which bravely conducts a dialogue between Hungarian folk music and the Bartók tradition, was released by Dot Time Records in New York in 2014. More recently we have not heard that much from Júlia Karosi because her primary ‘audience’ has been her newborn son, so that is why it is particularly special that she is making a return to her alma mater for this Gershwin concert. For Karosi, who came to jazz as an outsider (before studying singing she played classical piano), Gershwin represents a kind of bridge between written and purely improvisational music – or put another way, between classical and jazz – and at the same time it is an excellent springboard for experimentation. The concert features the Karosi Júlia Quartet plus the RTQ string quartet, for which Márton Fenyvesi has prepared the scoring of classical jazz numbers.


HUF 1 900