
2017. november 16. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Chamber Music Festival of the Liszt Academy

kamara.hu/1 A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Magic Mountain

Brácsadalok, op. 91

A halál és a lányka, D. 531

A rémkirály, D. 328 (átirat énekhangra és vonósokra)

Kürttrió („Hommage à Brahms”)


Egy vándorlegény dalai

A megdicsőült éj, op. 4

-;-Simon Izabella, Várjon Dénes (zongora)

Marie-Claude Chappuis (mezzoszoprán); Veronika Eberle, Muriel Cantoreggi, Keller András (hegedű); Kim Kashkashian, Andrea Hallam (brácsa); Perényi Miklós, Marie-Elisabeth Hecker (cselló); Radovan Vlatković (kürt)

Escher Vonósnégyes: Adam Barnett-Hart, Aaron Boyd (hegedű); Pierre Lapointe (brácsa); Brook Speltz (cselló)
Izabella Simon and Dénes Várjon’s chamber music festival is being hosted by the Liszt Academy for the third occasion, this year under the title Magic Mountain. During the 4-day festival, top Hungarian and international artists, close friends of the couple who came up with the idea of the festival, take to the stage in what promises to be a series of unique musical experiences due to the event’s profundity, personal approach and remarkable connections. Fairy tales, fantasies and little-known stories are in dialogue with each other at these concerts, the programmes of which were created by the associations deriving from the underlying content of the free-running imagination of the two artistic directors and the works.


HUF 2 500, 3 200