Katalin Halmai and Gábor Alszászy song recital

2015. február 27. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Song Recitals in the Liszt Academy

Katalin Halmai and Gábor Alszászy song recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Nature and Love

Robert Franz
5 dal

Robert Franz
Lenau dalok, op. 2

Robert Franz
9 dal


Peter Cornelius

Peter Cornelius
8 dal

-;-Halmai Katalin (mezzoszoprán)

Alszászy Gábor (zongora)
The concert programme showcases songs by Robert Franz, who was a contemporary of Schumann, and Peter Cornelius, who belonged to the Wagner generation. Franz, with his near 300 songs, is a key composer of the German Lied genre; his art was admired by both Liszt and Wagner, who similarly respected Peter Cornelius. Cornelius himself wrote the lyrics to half of his almost 100 songs and he experimented extensively with special effects. Without exception, pieces at this concert revolve around nature and love, with performers who are expert interpreters of the genre. Katalin Halmai is professor of solo singing at the Liszt Academy. She has been soloist of the Vienna Staatsoper from 1995, she has worked together with the most important conductors of our time (Rilling, Norrington, Blomstedt), and she regular attends festivals. She is accompanied on the piano by Gábor Alszászy, who also teaches at the Liszt Academy, department of vocal studies, as a répétiteur.


HUF 1 300, 1 900