Kodály Quartet

2014. október 29. 19.00-21.30

Solti terem

Chamber music, so close

Kodály Quartet A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Langsamer Satz

B-dúr vonósnégyes, op. 76/4 („Napfelkelte”)

Il Tramonto

C-dúr vonósnégyes, op. 59/3 („Razumovszkij”)

-;-Wiedemann Bernadett (mezzoszoprán)

Kodály Kvartett: Falvay Attila, Tóth Erika (hegedű); Fejérvári János (brácsa); Éder György (cselló)
The concert of the world-famous quartet (holders of the Liszt Prize) founded in 1966 and named after Kodály in 1971 spans more than a century of the string quartet genre. Haydn’s late masterwork, the B flat major string quartet (‘Sunrise’), and one of the most inspired works of the middle period of Beethoven’s creative life, the C major ‘Razumovsky’ quartet, are complemented by two 20th century movements. The slow movement by Anton Webern is a work of genius that the youthful composer wrote in the course of his years of study with Schönberg, in 1905. In style it is closely associated with the music of the late 19th century and primarily that of Brahms. Ottorino Respighi, famed for his bombastic symphonies, completed his only work for string quartet and soprano soloist in 1918, in which he puts to music the poem The Sunset by Shelley. The post-Romantic music, sensitively reflecting every pulse of the poem, features vocal solo by the superb Bernadett Wiedemann. It is representative of a lost age, giving a nostalgic retrospective glance to a civil world from the final year of the first global conflagration.


HUF 2 100, 3 200