Kristóf Baráti and the Hungarian Chamber Orchestra

2014. május 23. 19.30-22.00

Kristóf Baráti and the Hungarian Chamber Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

J. S. Bach
E-dúr hegedűverseny (BWV 1042)

h-moll vonósszimfónia, no. 10

d-moll hegedűverseny


Firenzei emlék, op. 70

-;-Baráti Kristóf (hegedű)

Új Magyar Kamarazenekar (művészeti vezető: Bánfalvi Béla)
Budapest audiences need no introduction to Kristóf Baráti, who won the Paganini Competition in Moscow in 2010. His intense musicality, impeccable violin technique, his sensitivity and stamina rank him amongst the greats. During the season he has solo recitals at the Liszt Academy, although this time he performs in the company of the Hungarian Chamber Orchestra (founded: 2011, conductor: Béla Bánfalvi), of which Baráti is principal soloist. Bach’s Violin Concerto in E major is a true Baroque ‘pop hit’, whereas Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto in D minor is less well known: it was written by the 13-year-old wunderkind and only resurrected in the 20th century (Yehudi Menuhin playing it first).


HUF 5.400, 4.300, 2.900