Lilla Horti, Judit Anna Kiss & Anna Molnár

2016. december 15. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Talent Oblige

Lilla Horti, Judit Anna Kiss & Anna Molnár A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Selection of 19th and 20th century vocal chamber works

J. S. Bach
„Betörte Welt” – ária a BWV 94. kantátából

Brácsadalok, op. 91

Une flûte invisible

Violins dans le soir


de Falla
Hét népszerű spanyol dal

Garcia Lorca
Régi spanyol dalok (részletek)

Három Shakespeare-dal

Orbán György

Il Tramonto

-;-Molnár Anna, Kiss Judit Anna (mezzoszoprán); Horti Lilla (szoprán)

Pogány Imola, Virág Emese,(zongora); Környei Miklós (gitár); Bán Annamária, Tóth Ágnes (fuvola); Pálfi Csaba (klarinét); Tornyai Péter (brácsa); Virág Mátyás (cselló); Szokos Augustin (orgona); Attitude Vonósnégyes: Deák Sára, Szabó Tamás (hegedű); Fajd Gergő (brácsa); Baranyai Barnabás (cselló)
For the first time in the Talent Oblige series, audiences will this year be introduced to students of the vocal department of the Liszt Academy. Lilla Horti, Judit Anna Kis and Anna Molnár, three individuals fascinating in their own ways, take to the stage of the Sir Georg Solti Chamber Hall with a special programme. During an evening spanning music from J. S. Bach and Brahms to Respighi and György Orbán there are works written for the solo voice, as well as unusual pieces written for chamber music compilations, pieces like Stravinsky’s music for Shakespearean songs for mezzo-soprano, flute, clarinet and viola, or Saint-Saëns’ Une flûte invisible, which makes fine use of the human voice, flute and piano. Belgium-born Eva Dell'Acqua’s extraordinarily popular coloratura soprano song is followed by Spanish songs by de Falla and Garcia Lorca: each serves to embellish this programme remarkably diverse in terms of both musical periods and performance artists.


HUF 1 900