Luka Okros Piano Recital

2018. február 3. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Luka Okros Piano Recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Négy impromptu, D. 899

4. (f-moll) ballada, op. 52

Hat moments musicaux, op. 16

2. magyar rapszódia

-;-Luka Okros (zongora)
Inspirational performance by outstanding London-based Georgian pianist Luka Okros made him one of the most promising artists of his generation and very popular in Instagram, his profile is followed by more than 43 thousand people. During the last two years Luka has won eight 1st prizes at international piano competitions, where jury members included Peter Donohoe, Péter Frankl, Andrzej Jasinski, Olga Kern, Steven Osborne, Pascal Rogé, Mikhail Voskresensky and others. Luka made Carnegie Hall debut at the age of 18, gave recitals at the Wigmore Hall, the Salle Cortot, the Roy Thompson Hall, the Hong Kong City Hall, the Royal Opera House Mumbai and by now has performed in more than 25 countries. Luka Okros has been recorded and broadcasted numerous times on BBC Radio 3, France Musique, Hong Kong Radio 4 and Georgian Radio 1.


HUF 2 800, 3 500