Maria João Pires & Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen

2016. január 21. 19.30-22.00

Orchestra in the Centre

Maria João Pires & Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Titus kegyelme – nyitány (K. 621)

B-dúr zongoraverseny (K. 595)

C-dúr („Jupiter”)szimfónia (K. 551)

-;-Maria João Pires (zongora)

Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen

Vezényel: Trevor Pinnock
By performing the last works of Mozart in various genres, the world-famous orchestra pay tribute to one of the greatest geniuses of music on the 260th anniversary of the composer’s birth and 225th anniversary of his death. Founded in 1980 and re-formed in 1992, the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen is a chamber orchestra with an unusual profile: members are virtuoso soloists who jointly produce productions of astonishing intensity by avowing their artistic personalities. One of their concertmasters, Daniel Sepec, is second violinist with the world-renowned Arcanto Quartet formed by Tabea Zimmermann, Jean-Guihen Queyras and Antje Weithaas. A milestone in the history of this outstanding orchestra was their large-scale Beethoven-Schumann project: in just a few days they performed (and recorded) all their symphonies. The orchestra’s artistic leaders include such great conductors as Thomas Hengelbrock, Daniel Harding, Frans Brüggen and Paavo Järvi. Other major soloists who have worked with the ensemble include Christian Tetzlaff, Heinz Holliger, Viktoria Mullova, Hélène Grimaud, Janine Jansen, Hilary Hahn and last but not least, the Portuguese Maria João Pires, whose depth and sensitivity, whose immediacy of piano playing have raised her to among the most accomplished Mozart performers of our day. Conducting this evening is founder of the English Concert, Trevor Pinnock, a leading figure of the British school of period performance.


HUF 6 300, 8 200, 11 500, 14 900