Marianna Majorosi and Guests

2015. december 1. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Acoustic, Authentic

Marianna Majorosi and Guests A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Majorosi Marianna (ének)

Kuczera Barbara, Szabó Attila (hegedű); Rőmer Judit (brácsa); Barcza Zsolt (cimbalom, harmónika); Kökény Richárd (gardon); Makó Péter (fúvós); Molnár Péter (bőgő)

Mackó Róbert hangtechnika
Members of the Csík Band, suddenly launched into the limelight from the inner circles of folk music largely unknown to the general public and piling up prize after prize, are increasingly going their own way. We could mention The Crazy Little Things band, the formation running under the name of Tamás Kunos, or János Csík’s latest, introspective album, Úgy élni, mint a fák. The concert by Marianna Majorosi also fits into this trend. Although back in 2010 it may have been necessary to define her as a member of the Csík Band at the Tamás Cseh tribute concert organized as part of Sziget Festival, today we find her performing under her own name. Born in Békéscsaba, Marianna Majorosi started her career as a dancer. After working with the local Balassi Dance Ensemble and Szarvas Tessedik Dance Ensemble she was taken on by the Hungarian State Folk Ensemble, then made leader of the women’s dance company. After completing the Hungarian Dance Academy she began to move increasingly towards folk singing. Her genuinely unique sound was matured under the tuition of Klára Bodza, and now she not only benefits from this in the dance company. This concert features many of her favourite melodies performed alongside fellow musicians from the Csík Band, old friends and colleagues.


HUF 2 500, 3 200