Marvellous Classic and Romantic Instruments

2017. február 17. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Marvellous Instruments

Marvellous Classic and Romantic Instruments A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Róbert Mandel’s history of instruments series

Adagio und Rondo üvegharmonikára és kvartettre KV 617

F-dúr Barytontrió

F-dúr dorombverseny


Négy menüett, KV 601

Menüett és trió szöghegedűre

-;-Christa Schönfeldinger (üvegharmonika)

Albin Paulus (doromb)

Aba Nagy Zsuzsanna (klasszikus és romantikus hárfák)

Szentpáli Roland (szerpent, ophikleid, saxkürt és tuba)

Mandel Róbert (szöghegedű)

Michael Brussing (baryton)

Savaria Barokk Zenekar (művészeti vezető: Németh Pál)
Some instruments are simply timeless and others enjoy just a short burst of fame before disappearing: in retrospect, it would appear that these were dead ends in the history of instruments. Some instruments appear to be strange mutations of their modern-day cousins, while it is given to others that they should play a key role amidst unusual circumstances. Róbert Mandel has dealt with these forgotten instruments for very many years although typically he has not approached this from a museologist’s perspective. Instead, he and his partners such as Christa Schönfeldinger and Roland Szentpáli look first and foremost at how it is possible to play these musical instruments with a high degree of authenticity for 21st century audiences.


HUF 1 900, 2 500