Mentés Másként Trio  – Balázs Istvánfi & András Németh

2016. április 21. 19.00-22.00

Solti terem

Acoustic, Authentic

Mentés Másként Trio – Balázs Istvánfi & András Németh A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Istvánfi Balázs (duda), Németh András (tekerő)

Mentés Másként Trió: Ivánovics Tünde (ének), Fábri Géza (pengetős hangszerek), Lipták Dániel (hegedű)
Is it possible to combine a sensitive interaction of Baroque music, medieval musical practice (frequently unusual to the modern ear) and the rustic sounding tonalities of Hungarian folk instruments? Plenty of folk music formations have already given a positive response to this question, of which two quite outstanding ensembles – a duo and a trio – are guests of the Acoustic, Authentic series. The duo of Balázs Istvánfi and András Németh was founded in the Folk Music Department of the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music in 2010, where they were studying. Right from the beginning they attempted to achieve a sort of ‘progressive bourdon music tonality’ on their instruments. Members of the Mentés Másként Trio have been making music (primarily Hungarian folk music) together since 2005. Their performances are permeated by creative experimentation drawing on a deep understanding of folk singing and dance music. Members of the trio – as collectors, performers and music teachers – have been on study tours of several Hungarian-inhabited regions to learn more about, in particular, the music traditions of the Moldavian Csángó Hungarians. Inevitably, the stage puts folk music, which has left its original functions behind, in a new light.


HUF 1 200