Mihály Dresch: New Beginning

2015. április 10. 20.00-22.00

Budapest Spring Festival

Mihály Dresch: New Beginning A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Kerényi Róbert (furulya); Vizeli Balázs (hegedű); Brasnyó Antal, Ifj. Csoóri Sándor (brácsa); Bognár András (nagybőgő); Bősze Tamás (népi dob); Szlama László (koboz)

Dresch Quartet: Dresch Mihály (fúvós hangszerek); Lukács Miklós (cimbalom); Ajtai Péter (nagybőgő); Baló István (dob)
Mihály Dresch is his old self. The musicianship, conviction and sensitivity which have moved him to reveal to an open-minded audience the beauties of jazz and Hungarian folk music have been unchanged for decades. His concert at the Budapest Spring Festival will nonetheless mark a new beginning. The keynote of the first part will be set by Dresch’s attachment to folk music, while the central section will be devoted to his own songs, with a reconsidered and rearranged rhythm section. In the final part, the old-new Dresch Quartet will perform a few well-known songs, as well as a number of fairly recent compositions. What is in store, in other words, is a comprehensive performance that showcases all the modes of expression that characterize Mihály Dresch. For him, the venue is also of great significance: as a child, it was in the Main Hall of the Academy of Music that he first heard jazz at the performance of a British Dixieland band, and he himself would give memorable concerts here as an established musician, with partners like György Szabados.


HUF 1 500, 2 500, 3200, 3900