Mikhail Pletnev and Budapest Festival Orchestra

2014. november 21. 19.45-22.00

Mikhail Pletnev and Budapest Festival Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

I. (e-moll) zongoraverseny, op. 11 (Mihail Pletnyov hangszerelése)

Az évszakok, op. 67

-;-Seong-Jin Cho (zongora)

Budapesti Fesztiválzenekar

Vezényel: Mihail Pletnyov
South Korean Seong-Jin Cho (student of the Paris Conservatoire) is just 20 years old, but he already has significant concert experience. At the age of 14 he won the Chopin Competition in Moscow, and a year later he achieved the same result at the Hamamatsu International Piano Competition in Japan. He has performed under the baton of Lorin Maazel, Valery Gergiev and Marek Janowski, and has partnered legendary pianist and conductor Mikhail Pletnev on more than one occasion. In this concert with the Budapest Festival Orchestra he performs the Piano Concerto in E minor by Chopin (orchestrated by Pletnev), followed by The Seasons by Alexander Glazunov (1899), a ballet piece rarely heard in Hungary.


HUF 2 500, 4 600, 5 900, 8 400, 13 600