Miklós Lukács and guests

2016. február 27. 19.30-22.00

Acoustic, Authentic

Miklós Lukács and guests A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;- Lukács Miklós Trió: Lukács Miklós (cimbalom); Baló István dob; Orbán György (nagybőgő)

Szakcsi Lakatos Béla (zongora)
Miklós Lukács graduated from the Liszt Academy and comes from a long line of musicians. While maintaining his ties to classical music, he also took up jazz and contemporary music. Through his special talent he brings to life the most varied music forms, be they composed or free improvisation. In seconds he blends into the given musical environment, recreating musical material with decisive movements and holding the audience spellbound through his relentlessly precise interpretation. In an interview, he declared that “I, together with my colleagues, have struggled long and hard to get the cimbalom the level of attention it deserves, opening a space for it to be accepted as a musical instrument of equal status, and for it to be absorbed into the global musical bloodstream … Our literature is contemporary music. Stravinsky was the first to write parts for the cimbalom. We did not have our own pieces from the age of the Viennese classics or the Romantic period (apart from arrangements). This is why we always have to be open to contemporary music.” The world premiere of the latest work by Péter Eötvös, written specifically for the cimbalom, was performed together with the Remix Ensemble in the Casa Di Música concert hall, Porto, Portugal in 2014. Scrolling though Miklós Lukács’s résumé, it is clear he has succeeded in capturing attention for the instrument.


HUF 1 900, 3 100, 4 300, 5 400