Miskolc Symphony Orchestra

2015. március 24. 19.30-22.00

Miskolc Symphony Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Hungary and the World

Fölszállott a páva – variációk

Hubay Jenő–Banda Ádám
Larghetto, op. 14/2

Zsolt Nándor–Banda Ádám


Táncszvit (BB 86)

Psalmus Hungaricus

-;-Banda Ádám (hegedű), Fekete Attila (tenor), a Nyíregyházi Cantemus Kórus (karigazgató: Szabó Dénes)

Vezényel: Héja Domonkos
Three emblematic 20th-century Hungarian compositions and three virtuoso violin works appear on the programme of the Miskolc Symphony Orchestra concert. The distinguished orchestra, conducted by Domonkos Héja, revive Kodály’s The Peacock variation, as well as his Psalmus Hungaricus and Bartók’s Dance Suite, both composed for the 50th anniversary of the unification of Pest, Buda and Óbuda. Jenő Hubay, former director of the Liszt Academy and perhaps the single most influential figure in the Hungarian string tradition, filled an important role in the life of Ádám Banda, himself a multiple competition winner. The example of his great predecessor is evident in the nobility of his violin playing and the solidity of tone.


HUF 2 900, 3 900