Moonlight Dance

2016. március 21. 19.30-22.00

Moonlight Dance A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Judit Tímár flute DLA doctoral concert


Pierrot Lunaire


A csalogány éneke


-;-Tímár Judit (fuvola)

Pannon Filharmonikus Zenekar
The finest symphony orchestras can always boast of having superb soloists – the Pannon Philharmonic Orchestra can do just this, thanks to Judit Tímár, among others. The artist, who has been first flautist with the Pécs orchestra since 1997, studied under István Barth, Gyula Csetényi and Zoltán Gyöngyössy, while she perfected her talent as a scholarship-holder at the Conservatorio della Swizzera Italiana, Lugano, under the direction of Mario Ancillotti, first flautist of the Rome radio orchestra. It may appear unusual that after several decades of orchestral work she is just now completing her doctoral studies, but according to one of her favourite fables, that person who constantly cuts down trees does not win the tree-felling contest, but rather the person who occasionally stops to sharpen the blunt axe blade. The programme of the DLA concert of Judit Tímár comprises works from the diverse flute repertoire; the opening piece is a single-movement, French orchestrated flute concerto by a little known American composer who died at the age of 35.


HUF 1 200, 1 700, 2 800, 3 900