Musical Dialogue between Korea and Hungary

2017. szeptember 1. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Korean-Hungarian Classical Music Festival

Musical Dialogue between Korea and Hungary A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

cisz-moll fuvola-zongora szonáta, op. 21

Prelúdium, noktürn és scherzo, op. 7

Tihanyi László
Új mű

Jiesun Lim
Új mű

-;-Hosung Chung (cselló)

Weiner Ensemble
Two composers―Jiesun Lim from South Korea and László Tihanyi from Hungary― are teamed up to explore possibilities of different ways of seeing the folklores beyond the national, regional boundaries. Jiesun Lim will compose a new musical piece using one of the well-known Hungarian folklores (Tavaszi szél vizet áraszt), while László Tihanyi using musical systems of a Korean song and a Chinese hymn from the 18th century. With the attempts to deconstruct national sentiments and musical structures that are supposedly embedded in the folklores of each country and to reconstruct them with post-modern musical languages, folklores will achieve new qualities and contexts that exist far beyond certain cultural boundaries. Weiner Ensemble, a Hungarian chamber ensemble which is passionate about new chamber music repertoires, will play the major roles for the premieres of these new compositions.


Entry is free. Registration: