Óbuda Danubia Orchestra

2014. május 28. 19.30-22.00

Óbuda Danubia Orchestra A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Paulus, op. 36

-;-Szutrély Katalin (szoprán), Nagy Bernadett (alt), Kálmán László (tenor), Cser Krisztián (basszus)

Purcell Kórus (művészeti vezető: Vashegyi György); Óbudai Danubia Zenekar

Vezényel: Vashegyi György
For Mendelssohn, who converted from Judaism to Protestantism, the story of the conversion of Saul to Paul the Apostle was more than just musical raw material. He began working on the St Paul Oratorio for the Lower Rhein Festival held in Catholic Düsseldorf. This expansive work, premiered in 1836, draws intensively on the oratorio tradition associated with Bach and Händel and is perhaps Mendelssohn's most personal creation, as well as being, of course, the culmination of his oeuvre. The Óbuda Danubia Orchestra will be conducted by György Vashegyi, and are joined by the world-renowned Purcell Choir and leading soloists. Vashegyi will offer a profound interpretation of this towering work, which will serve more than merely a musical lesson for the audience.


HUF 3.100, 2.400, 1.700, 1.000