On The Spot – Folk Music Department

2013. november 6. 19.30-22.00

On The Spot – Folk Music Department A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Host: Ferenc Sebő

Featuring: Csaba Ökrös, István Pál Szalonna, Tamás Gombai, Tamás Nyitrai, Balázs Vizeli (violin); Péter Árendás, Márton Fekete (viola), Attila Csávás (clarinet), Kálmán Balogh (dulcimer), Róbert Doór (double bass), Attila Mihó (gardon)

Márta Sebestyén, Éva Fábián, Katalin Szvorák, Ilona Budai, Mária Maczkó, Mariann Nyitrai, Anna Vakler, Réka Palócz, Ildikó Cserna & Students of the Folk Music Department, Gergely Agócs, Zoltán Zsikó, Gergő Pojendán, Péter Anka, Vince Mészáros, István Hegedűs, Krisztián Dömény, Krisztián Kovács (vocals)

Anna Németh (bagpipe); Zoltán Juhász, Emese Nyéky (recorder); Attila Csávás (clarinet)

Vujicsics Ensemble

Söndörgő Ensemble
The extraordinarily popular Folk Music Department of the Liszt Academy may be relatively new yet it carries on a tradition that is well over a century old. The noble tradition of the study and presentation of Hungarian folk song culture was initiated by Bartók and Kodály, while it remains absolutely in the present-day thanks to the huge success of the dance house movement and its recent renaissance. Not to speak of the elemental power of the genre fertilizing contemporary Hungarian culture in a thousand different ways, while at the same time it is present and flourishes not simply as an influence on others but as a genre of equal value in its own right. This makes it possible to give a straightforward and emphatic answer to the constantly recurring, now verging on pedantic question that is raised in academic music circles, i.e. can folk music be performed authentically on a stage, uprooted from its home earth, by artists mostly socialized within an urban environment.


HUF 3.900, 2.800, 1.700