On the Spot – Woodwind Instruments

2015. április 30. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

On the Spot – Woodwind Instruments A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Lajtha, Ránki, Sáry, Mozart és Händel művei

-;-Tanárok: Lakatos György (fagott); Oross Veronika, Romos Zsolt, Sebők Erika, Drahos Béla (fuvola); Varga István, Kovács Béla, Szatmári Zsolt, Pálfi Csaba (klarinét), Dienes Gábor (oboa),

Hallgatók: Bánki Berta Zsófia, Ács Dominika, Kerner Mária, Bálint Bernadett, Kovács Eszter, Szeitl Aliz, Metykó Viktória, Csuhaj-Barna Rebeka, Tóth Ágnes, Kovács Eszter, Szidonya Júlia Flóra
‘Fantasy for carved wood’ – this could be the concert’s poetic title. ‘Woody, but not wooden’ – this might work as a sort of motto. ‘Presentation of the Woodwind Section’ – this is the description of the event on 30 April, in the course of which Liszt Academy woodwind students and their teachers play for the audience. The team from the wind department, headed by bassoonist György Lakatos, demonstrate in a variety of formations – different quartets, quintets and other line-ups (for instance, a contrabassoon-piccolo duo) – just what these marvellous instruments – the flute, oboe, clarinet and bassoon – are capable of. The concert programme features László Lajtha’s woodwind quartet, György Ránki’s noteworthy quintet (Pentaerophonia), a piece for eight flutes by László Sáry and classics from Mozart and Händel.


HUF 1 200, 1 900