On The Spot – Department of Vocal Studies

2014. április 12. 19.00-22.00

Solti terem

On The Spot – Department of Vocal Studies A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Richard Strauss 150

Richard Strauss dalai

-;-Közreműködnek: a Zeneakadémia Ének Tanszékének növendékei
Richard Strauss, one of the most important opera composers in classical music, was born 150 years ago, and few before or since have understood the human voice so well. The Vocal Faculty of the Liszt Academy, directed by Andrea Meláth, conjures up Strauss the songwriter in this gala concert. The songs of Strauss were composed in the last decade of the 19th century and the first of the 20th and they can be regarded as the culmination of Romantic song literature. As a true man of the theatre, Strauss was initially less concerned with the quality of the texts; instead he required scenes and metaphors that were exciting and fired the imagination. Only later did he begin to set verses by the great poets to music. With his characteristically infinite invention and sensitivity, Strauss recreated the dramatic genius of his operas in these miniature masterpieces, each of which is just a few minutes long.


Tickets are free and can be obtained from the ticket office in the Liszt Academy.