2016. november 13. 18.30-20.00

Külső helyszín

Opera a Doctorandis Electa/1 A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

A-dúr mise, op. 12

-;-Gaál Ildikó (szoprán); Korbász Viktor (tenor); Tarnai Dávid (basszus); Sárosi Dániel (orgona); Papp Tímea (hárfa); Scholz Anna (cselló); Csuti Dávid (nagybőgő)

Debreceni Canto Armonico Énekegyüttes (művészeti vezető: Zsellengér Tibor)

Vezényel: Tóth Donát
The Doctoral School of the Liszt Academy represents the pinnacle of music higher education in Hungary: not only do instrumentalists applying for the school have to prove their outstanding skills as performers, but they have to show an appropriate intellectual aptitude as well. Each year the workshop of Péter Nagy, head of the keyboard programme of the Doctoral School, enriches Budapest concert life with ground-breaking productions – and this year is no different. Under the artistic direction of organ student Dániel Sárosi, there is a performance by students of the Doctoral School of an extremely rarely heard masterpiece: César Franck’s exceptionally sensitive Mass in A major written for three vocal parts (soprano, tenor and alto), completed in 1860 and subsequently reworked on several occasions, played in the St. Theresa of Avila Church close to the Liszt Academy. The performance is all the more special for being staged in a sacred setting given that its premiere in 1861 was in the Church of Sainte-Clotilde, Paris.


Entry is free.