2017. január 19. 15.00-18.00



Opera Exam Festival Masterclass/Workshop - Touching Timbre: Exploring the Extra-Normal for Professional Singers A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Touching Timbre: Exploring the Extra-Normal for Professional Singers

-;-Yvon Bonenfant, PhD Professor of Artistic Process, Voice and Extended Practices at University of Winchester

In this workshop, Professor Yvon Bonenfant invites you to explore new and alternative territories of the voice. Through carefully guided exercises, you explore the use of tactile metaphors and emotional timbres to evoke other kinds of vocal sounds. These sounds can be used to enrich the expressivity of your repertoire or to develop new kinds of vocal practice that engage audiences in alternative ways. All sounds will be explored with careful attention to vocal safety and vocal health. For the workshop: please wear comfortable clothing in which you can move with ease.


Entry is free, registration: Almási-Tóth András, the Head of the Opera Program at a.almasitoth@gmail.com