Operatic sketches

2014. június 20. 19.00-22.00

Solti terem

Operatic sketches A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Énekesek: Bernáth Éva, Imai Ayane, Makiko Yoshida (szoprán); Gheorghita Orsolya, Vincze Klára (mezzoszoprán)

Zeneszerzők: Horváth Bálint, Kecskés D. Balázs, Kutrik Bence, Virágh András Gábor

Concerto Budapest

Vezényel: Vajda Gergely

Rendező: Almási-Tóth András

Koreográfus: Lázár Eszter
Fantasy, Poetry, Beauty – these words are written on the decorative lamps built into the ceiling of the Liszt Academy Grand Hall. And these three words have shaped the spirit of the institution since its inception: they are particularly appropriate for the year-closing opera exams. It is now a tradition for the Liszt Academy to stage world premieres at these “exams”, which although true tests for the students, are not perceived as being educational assessments by the audience. In 2014 four composition students – Bálint Horváth, Balázs D. Kecskés, Bence Kutric and András Gábor Virágh – have each written 15–20 minute mini-operas expressly for the students of the opera faculty and based on a jointly-created libretto. This is a real operatic workshop in which the fantasy of the creator, the poetry of the music and the beauty of the voice fuse into an inseparable unity. Gergely Vajda and the Concerto Budapest ensemble will help the students in the interpretation of the music. The director of the Liszt Academy's opera programme, András Almási-Tóth, will bind it all together as artistic leader and director.


Tickets are free and can be obtained from the ticket office in the Liszt Academy.