Piano Recital by Tamás Érdi

2014. április 22. 19.30-22.00

Piano Recital by Tamás Érdi A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

12 variáció egy francia gyermekdalra (K. 265)

32 variáció egy eredeti témára (WoO 80)

Variációk egy magyar dalra, op. 21/2

Improvizációk magyar parasztdalok fölött, op. 20 (BB 83)

d-moll zongoraszonáta, op.31/2 („Vihar”)


a-moll zongoraszonáta (D. 784)

-;-Érdi Tamás (zongora)

Közreműködik: Miklósa Erika (szoprán)
“I have a special relationship with the Liszt Academy Grand Hall. Who knows whether I would be here now if I had not received words of encouragement from György Kroó after my first Liszt Academy appearance when I was very young? His critique gave me lifelong encouragement, but I also received strength to defeat the impossible.” The words of visually impaired pianist Tamás Érdi, who at 33 is a winner of the Prima Primissima prize and recipient of the Hungarian Order of the Knight's Cross. “In the first half of the concert we pass through variations by Mozart, Beethoven and Brahms to reach Bartók Improvisations. Following the break, I close off the pulsating vibrations of the first half with two marvellous sonatas.” Between the Beethoven Sonata in D minor, sometimes named after Shakespeare’s The Tempest, and the Schubert sonata written in 1823, Tamás Érdi performs chamber music, accompanying Bartók-Pásztory and Liszt Prize-winning singer Ingrid Kertesi in a selection of Schubert songs.


HUF 4.900, 3.500, 2.100