Pietro De Maria piano recital

2016. október 8. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Géza Anda Festival

Pietro De Maria piano recital A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

f-moll mazurka, op. 7/3

C-dúr mazurka, op. 24/2

cisz-moll mazurka, op. 63/3

g-moll ballada, op. 23

Desz-dúr noktürn, op. 27/2

b-moll scherzo, op. 31


Etűdök (részletek)

Soirées de Vienne – 9. Valse caprice

104. Petrarca-szonett

Paganini-etűdök – La Campanella

-;-Pietro De Maria (zongora)
Held in Switzerland every three years since 1979, the Concours Géza Anda, which bears the name of the Hungarian considered one of the greatest pianists of the 20th century, is regarded as one of the most prestigious music competitions in the world. At the Géza Anda Festival, Budapest audiences are presented with an opportunity to enjoy artists who have achieved great results at the Concours Géza Anda. Here we hear the 1994 winner, Pietro De Maria, who notably had received the special prize at the Tchaikovsky Competition, Moscow four years earlier, at the age of 23. Pietro De Maria has worked with such renowned conductors as Daniele Gatti, Eliahu Inbal and Marek Janowski. His repertoire is extremely broad and varied: he has recorded the entire Wohltemperiertes Klavier series, all Beethoven works written for violoncello and piano, and he is the first Italian artist to play all Chopin’s pieces for piano in a series of concerts (one of the biggest record labels preserved this huge undertaking on an album). In the first half of the concert there is a cross-section of creations by the Romantic Polish composer, followed by three of the etudes penned by György Ligeti in the period 1985–2001 and which rapidly became classics of the repertoire. (As a side note, the Devil’s Staircase is perhaps one of the most demanding pieces in the entire piano literature.) Finally, in the third part of the programme the Venetian pianist plays excerpts from three great cycles by Liszt.


HUF 1 900