Purcell Chorus 25

2015. április 26. 19.30-23.00

Purcell Chorus 25 A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

J.S. Bach
h-moll mise, BWV 232

-;-Baráth Emőke, Pintér Ágnes (szoprán); Bárány Péter, Gavodi Zoltán (kontratenor); Megyesi Zoltán (tenor); Blazsó Domonkos (basszus)

Orfeo zenekar

Purcell kórus

Vezényel: Vashegyi György
The Purcell Chorus, founded by György Vashegyi and one of the foremost formations of Hungarian choral culture, celebrate their 25th anniversary. Perhaps nothing better reflects the quality of the chorus and their leader (who for many years have together enriched enthusiasts of early music performance with astonishing accomplishments) than the fact that René Jacobs took the B minor mass, perhaps the most demanding work in the choral repertoire, on tour with them in 2014. Now, at their birthday concert, we too can hear them perform this major composition, which can also be considered a summary of the Bach oeuvre, and on which the master worked in the final period before he died. In it he used movements from his numerous earlier cantatas, providing a sort of composer’s selection of the best of an oeuvre that is outstanding in itself.


HUF 1 990, 2 990, 3 990, 4 990