2015. január 19. 19.00-22.00

Solti terem

Opera Exam Festival

SITCOM A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Liszt Academy

amerikai tv-sorozat 126. rész

-;-Az MA Opera Szak növendékei: Csóka Anita (1), Czikora I. László (2), Ihring Anna (4), Brassói-Jőrös Andrea (7), Kristofori Ferenc (1), Sahakyan Lusine (5), Ruszó Alexandra (3), Sárközi Xénia (4), Tatai Nóra (3), Vida Anikó (3), Zuo You (5)

Erdős Attila (BA hallgató), Ambrus Ákos és Gaál Csaba m.v.

Tanszékvezető: Meláth Andrea

Tanárok: Nádor Magda (1), Kiss B. Atilla (2), Halmai Katalin (3), Kertesi Ingrid (4), Marton Éva (5), Meláth Andrea (6), Pászthy Júlia (7), Fried Péter (8)

Rendezőtanár: Almási-Tóth András

Zenei munkatárs: Baja Mónika, Sándor Szabolcs

Díszlet-Jelmez: Szalai Sára

Koreográfus: Lázár Eszter

Concerto Budapest

Vezényel: Christian Schumann
Sitcom – ‘situation comedy’ – is generally applied to a series where the figures (colleagues, friends, family) spend their time in a common space (workplace, home, café) and get tangled up in a variety of largely comic situations. They are typically recorded in front of a live audience in order to leverage their reactions (laughter, applause, etc.). In the 18th and 19th centuries vaudeville was the musical stage equivalent; from the 20th century first radio and then television took over the genre, working with identical characters and situations changing from episode to episode but always concluding with a ‘happy ending’. The half-term opera exam at the Liszt Academy weaves three operas by Rossini – La Scala di Seta (The Silk Ladder), L’Italiana in Algeri (An Italian Woman in Algiers) and Il Viaggio a Reims (The Journey to Reims) – into a single-series episode where misunderstandings in love lead to the great reconciliation, just so that the strands can once be tangled up in time for the next part.