
2014. április 5. 19.30-22.00

Budapest Spring Festival

Söndörgő A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

-;-Az együttes tagjai: Eredics Dávid, Eredics Áron, Eredics Benjamin, Eredics Salamon, Buzás Attila
With music that is among the freshest and most dynamic on the current Hungarian world music scene, the band are also much in demand abroad, performing at such leading venues as the Queen Elizabeth Hall in London, and at such events as the Roskilde Festival in Denmark, and the ultimate in world music, the WOMEX. Following in the footsteps of the Vujicsics Band, the group’s music is based on the folk music of the Balkans.


HUF 1.500, 2.500, 3.200, 3.900