St John Passion with Ábrahám Consort & New Liszt Ferenc Chamber Choir

2017. április 12. 19.30-22.00

Pure Baroque

St John Passion with Ábrahám Consort & New Liszt Ferenc Chamber Choir A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

J. S. Bach
János-passió, BWV 245

-;-Ábrahám Consort (művészeti vezető és koncertmester Ábrahám Márta)

Új Liszt Ferenc Kamarakórus (karvigazgató: Nemes László Norbert)
"His lyric tenor voice had a youthful glow, yet he sang with a plaintive beauty and piercing insight" - claims The New York Times in its review on the tenor Christoph Prégardien, the leading "Evangelist" of our time, who was raised in the German choral tradition and became one of the most significant interpreters of songs and oratories. His unparalleled performance is coupled with the artistic creed professed by the Ábrahám Consort founded by Márta Ábrahám and György Schweigert outlines an early music concept that fundamentally questions today’s performance practice known as ‘historically informed’. They consider their task to be exclusively nurturing traditions acquired with subjective experience, in many cases their approach results in unusual interpretations and unique tonalities. The Ábrahám Consort play in a similar number and arrangement to 18th century small court orchestras – naturally adjusted to the orchestration of the work to be performed and with the involvement of guest musicians. Their Easter concert featuring a magnificent roll call of international singers – conducted by Liszt Prize winner Zsolt Hamar – is devoted to Bach’s deeply moving and immortal masterpiece, the St. John Passion.


HUF 1 900, 3 100, 4 300, 5 400