Story-telling Music

2015. január 31. 10.30-12.30

Story-telling Music A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Forest Murmurs

Erdõ, erdõ, erdõ – magyar népdal

Moldva – részlet

Négy évszak – Tavasz

Német tánc (K.605) – Utazás szánon

Peer Gynt – Napfelkelte

Medvetánc – részlet

A bűvös vadász – részlet

J. Strauss
Vadászat – polka

-;-Szegedi Szimfonikus Zenekar

Vezényel: Gyüdi Sándor

Mesélő: Lakner Tamás
The close connection between music and nature is as old as the history of music itself. In this we are thinking not of the babbling brook, the keening of the wind or birdsong as music in themselves, but rather that composers have expressed their love of nature over many centuries. Story-telling Music, the longest established ‘brand’ of youth concerts in Hungary, presents the relationship between music and the forest, selecting from pieces of the past 300 years or so. The Miskolc Symphony Orchestra is conducted by Tamás Gál, first conductor of the ensemble. Famous choral conductor Tamás Lakner, dean of the faculty of arts of the University of Pécs, guides the audience through the musical forests.


HUF 1 500