Tetiana Zhuravel and Natalia Korolko

2015. szeptember 24. 19.00-21.00

Solti terem

Song Recitals in the Liszt Academy

Tetiana Zhuravel and Natalia Korolko A Zeneakadémia saját szervezésű programja

Endless pleasure (részlet a Semeléből)

Hark! hark! (részlet a Tündérkirálynőből)

​Vorrei spiegarvi, oh Dio (K. 418)

No, che non sei capace (K. 419)

Schwebe, schwebe, blaues Auge

​Je suis Titania la blonde (a Mignon c.operából)


R. Strauss
​Ständchen, op. 10/2

Caro nome (a Rigoletto c. operából)

Glitter and Be Gay (részlet a Candide-ból)

Night Song

​Sliced Her Finger (ukrán dal, átdolg.: Zador)

Oh, Where Will You Go (ukrán dal, átdolg.: Yashchenko)

​Hazel Made Noise” (ukrán dal, átdolg: Skoryk)

​Two Streams of Chornogora (ukrán dal, átdolg.: Kos-Anatolskyi)

​G. Maiboroda
Yolan áriája (a Mylana c. operából)

-;-Tetiana Zhuravel (szoprán)

Natalia Korolko (zongora)
Although the Liszt Academy has hosted countless music competitions, the 2014 Éva Marton International Singing Competition was the first that it had organized itself. More than 130 singers from 30 countries applied to the competition founded by the professor emirata of the Liszt Academy, former head of department, with total prize money of €42,000. Ukrainian Tetiana Zhuravel won both second prize and the audience prize. “Although, naturally, nationality did not play a part in the decision, due to the difficult position of Ukraine I was particularly pleased that we have also picked out and can support in the course of her career a young person from that country,” said Éva Marton after the competition. Zhuravel completed the piano faculty of the Cherkasy Conservatoire in 2004, after which she studied at the Arts Institute of the National Teacher Training University, then continued at the Tchaikovsky Academy of Music, Kiev, where she graduated in 2013 from the class of Evdokia Kolenyk. Alongside her studies she played an active part in performances of the institution’s opera studio: she played Marfa in Rimsky-Korsakov’s The Tsar’s Bride, Juliet in Gubarenko’s Monologues of Juliet, and Amore in Gluck’s Orfeo ed Euridice. She took part in King Arthur by Henry Purcell and in The Fairy Queen. Her recital at the Liszt Academy picks from a repertoire spanning 300 years.


HUF 1 300, 1 900